Sunday, January 4, 2009

Short Story

The short story was pretty easy to write until the very end, which got pretty hard to think of. It's hard to create an understandable and concise finish, especially with the story being so short.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I couldn't think of anything interesting to blog about, so I'm posting these pictures instead.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

So I had my wisdom teeth removed on Friday, and needless to say it was pretty painful. Also, I have no recollection of walking from the surgery room into the recovery room, walking to the car, or the car ride home. All I remember is one of the nurses saying "Alright, we need you to uncross your feet so we can put this strap over them so you don't kick our table." I laughed, imagining someone kicking them while unconscious. The next thing I remember after that is being in a lot of pain in a lazy-boy in my basement. I wonder about the things I said throughout all of that time I was blacked out? Could have been interesting. Anyways, my face is still pretty swollen and my teeth still kind of hurt, but nowhere near as bad as they did over the weekend. However I still can't eat solid foods...and all I really want is a taco!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Attempting to write a blog about the idiot that wrote the article in our school newspaper about music proved futile...I have nothing school-appropriate to say about it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Today is Friday, the day before the big Ohio State - Michigan game. Actually, big is somewhat of an ironic word to describe it considering Michigan has only won three games this season and as of now has the worst record that they've had since practically the beginning of football. But nevertheless, it's still a rivalry, and although Ohio State is favored to win by 20 1/2 points, upsets are always possible.

It almost makes it more exciting to be the underdog by so much, because we've basically got nothing to lose. If we lose the game, it won't come as a suprise to anyone. On the contrary, if we WIN the game, it will be a huge deal and will call for much celebration.

Needless to say, I'm anticipating a good game. This is one game where records and stats really don't matter.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't die wondering:

A phrase to live by; something I try my best to do everyday. Why go through your entire life backing down from things you want to do or try until in your final moment of life, you realize it would have been thrilling to have been able to experience all those things you were too scared to? Our society is so afraid of going outside the box, trying new things, going to unknown places. We are terrified of the unfamiliar. With only one life to live, why should we waste it in fear of failing, or how unacceptable it may be to others, or how dangerous it is? However, on the contrary, this needs to be put in perspective of where the line of taking a risk versus just being plain stupid is drawn. I'm not advocating foolishly dangerous or life-threatening things, because I'm not so naïve as to say that we should just do whatever we want as long as it brings about new understanding and experience. It is important to be able to know what is beyond our limit, but we pass up so many golden opportunities for new experiences everyday. In a money-obsessed world, our dreams of becoming rich overshadow our true desires. This leaves us to live a life we don't want, which ends with regrets and realization of the very essence of those three words that we don't take into consideration until it's too late: don't die wondering.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

O Parents! and Teachers! We're all in caps and gowns
The weight of stress has been lifted, relieved of a million pounds
Summer's here, the time is near, everyone is smiling
With so much more ahead of us, the possibilities everlasting
But O fright! fright! fright!
The idea of a far away place
So much newfound freedom
And not one familiar face

O Parents! and Teachers! we'll all throw up our caps
We'll talk about the places we'll go and show them on the maps
We won't forget people we're leaving 
Though we may have no plans of returning
Here parents! dear parents!
We'll leave without a trace
Though we can't ignore the home
We've learned to love and embrace

Our Parents are still worried, so much responsibility
Without someone to push us, failing is a possibility
They'll be proud of our progress when they see how far we've come
As finally the life of a new adult has begun
Rejoice and be cheerful, for a brand new beginning!
Nothing can replace
The people that got us here,
To this new and exciting place